Christians Pray to GOD. It Does Not Work!

People that love GOD and Churches were taught to Pray to GOD if they need any help. In the Bible it ways people should Pray to God.

Praying to God, does not never works.
Whenever a person Prayed to God, it never actually worked.
So then, many humans are great. Humans get people better and happy.
Preachers lie to Christians. The illegal information in the Bible they lie about.

Humans are emotional and get successful, to make people happy.
The Church teaches Christians that when Humans do great.
The Bible about God made them do it great.
(The Bible also shows this Great Happy Information)

Here is a list of items that is super-clear GOD does not Exist.
The Bible actually lies about God, Heaven, and many ideas.

I have asked hundreds of Christians to show me that
“Evidence that God Exists”
I ask Christians to show me Clear Evidence that God Exists.
No Christian has aver shown me Clear Evidence.
They just Say:
You should read the Bible.
They know there is not other Clear Evidence.
They know Their Evidence is in the Bible.
The Christian Bible is Happy to many people.

To learn all info about why the Bible is Wrong, Read this website:
This website is called: Why Adam and Eve Created God.
It explains the Germans Created the Bible to make people happy.

There is no Super-Clear Evidence about God.
Many books have been created to sell to Christians.
No books show Super Clear Evidence.
But many books hi-light about God and tell people God did “this” great.
Many Books scam Christians to buy money for their book.
Me and many others have read lots of Christian books.
We all see there is not Super-Clear Evidence about God in any book.

A PREACHER Runs a Church. In the Bible Preachers were noted.
Preachers were trained as kids about the Bible, so they think God is great.
Churches and Preachers preach some people happy, but they lie about God.
And Churches take money away from many people.
Preachers tell people to give their Church money.
Christian People loos money to Churches. God gets no Money.

Originally Christians Lied to people that they will go to Hell.
They said when people don’t love God, they will go to Hell
(When that type of person Dies) they will go to Hell painfully.

Churches Lie to Christians. Lying Makes then Happy.
And Humans that are Christians are Stupid and Bad Humans.

Human Christians are taught by Churches that GOD makes better actions.
But smart Humans actually do great things for Human Life.

This is True, that Humans Actually do Great things for Human Life.
We all should Love Great Humans. Christians do not agree that Humans are actually great.

When Christians get Lucy and do Fun items, they say GOD did this Fun item.
Some Christians often do not focus on “SUCCES”. They only Pray to GOD to get smart and great items working.