Germans Created the BIBLE

The Luther Bible created by Germans. Germans.
Germans Published the Bible in September 1522

The Bible created by (Germans) made Hunan brains better because it was So-Happy. It is clear that (Germans) created the Bible with God nots/stories. God never actually existed, so (Germans) got Humans very happy with the Bible.

The Bible about God was created in Germany. (Germans) created the Bible and God concepts. The Bible made Humans very Happy, which was great for Human people. Humans are very Emotional, and must be happy. If Humans are sad, it hurts their Brain. So Fun&Happy is great and makes Brains better.  

This BIBLE made people happy. God, Adam, and Eve actually did not exist.
The Germans invented the Bible, even though GOD does not exist.

Christians live this GOD idea in the book called “BIBLE”.
The BIBLE about GOD was created by Humans.
Here is High technology about the BIBLE. How Humans Created God is shown truthful here. My whole life, I have been a Bible History Student.

People Edited the BIBLE.
The BIBLE was created by Germans.
And many people and Christians have Changed and Edited the BIBLE.
Every 20-50 years, the Bible was Changed and Re-Posted.
Even now in the last 10 years, Christians Edited the BIBLE.
– Took off “HELL” out, so no person is told they may go to Hell.
Now HELL Doesn’t Exist in some Bibles.

Jesus was a Childhood person noted in the Bible by Germans 1600 years ago.
Jesus was a boy decoded from an ancient papyrus scrap.
Jesus did not claim to be God. But books claim that Jesus is God.
When Jesus was killed, he did not go to Heaven.

Nobody ever goes to Heaven.
When people die, they do not go to Heaven.
We have seen that: Brain or Body never goes away when they Die.
Christians lie to make people happy.
They lie to people that they will go to: Great Heaven
Nobody ever goes to Heaven.