John Sonnenberg (JS) always tells the TRUTH.
John is actually a High Function Autistic person.
JS does smart items, and searches Logic and Truthful Things.
If you want to tell JS extra TRUTH, you can Contact JS.
Here is JS Phone, and Email info:
If you want to call him to his Phone, it is 760-807-3885
You can Email JS to his Yahoo email. To be save, there is this email info:
JOHNSONNENBERG99 is this email name.
JS Email name is connected to
Do not SCAM JS, only email him Real Truth information,
What is “Better” or what is “Wrong”?
If you want to show anything JS will shows Truth about it, That is Great!
An if you think JS it is Wrong then tell super clear Truth that is super Truthful and Clear that is correct.
Many people tell JS about God, and they never give me Truth.
They just say I should read the Bible book, that was created Long time ago.